Harris rf-5022 manual
Harris rf-5022 manual

Therefore, a systematic review was conducted to examine how MSIs are defined in the literature, how widespread the phenomenon is across the host species spectrum, and to document common methods used to detect such infections.

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Known to occur in humans and animals, MSIs deserve special consideration when studying transmission dynamics, evolution, and treatment of mycobacterial diseases, notably tuberculosis in humans and paratuberculosis (or Johne's disease) in ruminants. Mixed strain infection (MSI) refers to the concurrent infection of a susceptible host with multiple strains of a single pathogenic species.

  • 4Department of Nursing & Health Sciences, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, NB, Canada.
  • 3Sherbrooke Research and Development Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.
  • 2Science & Health Sciences Librarian, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, NB, Canada.
  • 1Department of Biology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St.
  • Alexander Stephen Byrne 1, Alex Goudreau 2, Nathalie Bissonnette 3, Isdore Chola Shamputa 4 * and Kapil Tahlan 1 *

    Harris rf-5022 manual